A frequently contemplated & countermanded intermittently proposal to build a 100 km channel joining the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman sea is back to drawing boards yet again. This has been a big blow to China’s long-cherished aspiration to take control of the Sri Lankan port of Hambantota.

This was an ambitious project for china, which would have shortened they for transporting much-needed oil to China by circa 12- 1400 miles plying through the Straits of Malacca. This dream Kra canal project was named as the new silk road for by China. This passage would have given china the upper hand to rule the waves of the IOR ( Indian Ocean Region) and transport its troops through the canal.


This aspiration to have a thoroughfare joining these two bodies of water is a century-old disposition of China. Recently China has been proactively trying to woo Bangkok with a lofty $ 20- 30 billion investment to take up the project; a vicious debt trap! After a prolong flip flop and diplomacy with the Thailand Government and parliament, it was finally augmented by the Thai Govt that, they should have a railway link instead of a channel connecting these two seas. In essence, the Thai reasons of resentments are feasible as they did not want this canal digging devastation due to environmental degradation but Thailand might have envisaged the danger of letting China gain the ultimate upper hand in the Geopolitical and Geoeconomic leverage. At the same time due to mammoth public outcry Thailand have also shelved the circa $0.7 billion submarine procurement deal.

On the contrary, due to the cancellation of Kra project, Myanmar’s port of Kyaukphyu will gain enormous connotation. Kyaukphyu might as well become the future Chinese Naval Base in the area or assured logistical hub for the Chinese troops under the visiting forces agreement.

The Chinese communist party lead so-called socialist outfit has been throwing gloves to the world but engaging in manifold anterior would be a gamble which might come to haunt Xi’. His political career may end due to these catastrophic impending setbacks like his father; who have faced expulsion bein one of the closest lieutenants of Mao Zedong.

The recent behaviour of China and its insatiable urge of flexing muscles in the neighbourhood, including Neo-Nazi concentration camps for the Uyghurs, annihilating some million Tibetans, promoting terrorism in India and Myanmar. China has become a peril for human beings. China Pakistan Economic Corridor ( CPEC) is another artery being built to facilitate flexing muscles in the region. It would be natural for the world to escapade Chinese amenabilities. for the international powers; it would be prudent to diminish Chinese activities.