Articles | South Asia Corner
Articles – South Asia Corner: This page contains Articles on Geopolitical topics and other relevant topics on South Asian Countries.
South Asia’s geopolitical environment : An Anlysis
South Asia's geopolitical environment is diverse and dynamic, with several countries competing for power and influence. Some of...
The Geopolitical Landscape of South China Sea and South Asia: Tangible Threats and Regional Security
India is well-equipped to repulse Chinese aggression and protect its territory thanks to its military capabilities, strategic partnerships, and geographic advantages. As long as India continues to invest in its defence infrastructure and maintain strong alliances, it should be able to deter any potential Chinese advances.
Is It On The Brink ?
The political situation in Pakistan is also fragile. The country has been ruled by a military establishment for much of its history, and there have been several instances of political instability in recent years
Pakistan and its Apparatus: Perpetuating Another Genocide in Balochistan
Pakistan's involvement in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) from 1947 to 1971 resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of people, with some...
China’s Suspect Intentions: Taiwan in the Crosshairs ; A Sovereign State Under Siege: South Asia Watches Warily
As the world grapples with the ever-evolving balance of power, China’s intentions towards Taiwan have raised serious concerns. From an outsider’s perspective, the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) rhetoric and actions towards Taiwan appear increasingly hostile, casting doubt upon the future of the small island nation.
Constant Chaos Fomented by the Deep States’ Rogue Elements
India’s strategic partnerships with other major powers have grown stronger in recent years, highlighting India’s increasing importance on the world stage.
India the largest electoral-based democracy; encompassing its nooks and crannies
India is the largest democracy in the world and is admired globally for its vibrant and robust democratic system. It is a country where diverse religions, cultures, languages, and ethnicities coexist and participate in the democratic process.
Pakistan’s economy is likely to grind into a halt
Democracy can play a significant role in addressing these issues. A stable democratic government can provide transparency and accountability in the political system
China is posing a great threat to the countries of South Asia
China has been aggressively pursuing its “One Belt, One Road” initiative, which aims to connect China to Europe and Africa through a network of roads, railways, ports, and other infrastructure projects. This initiative has led to China investing heavily in many countries in South Asia, including Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bangladesh.