Articles | South Asia Corner
Articles – South Asia Corner: This page contains Articles on Geopolitical topics and other relevant topics on South Asian Countries.
The Parabolic Political Trajectory of Bangladesh’s New Revolution: Prospects, Pitfalls, and the Question of Efficacy
Bangladesh’s political trajectory, following the new revolution, resembles a parabolic curve—rising with high hopes and ideals but potentially heading toward instability if left unchecked
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit: Indian Foreign Minister’s Speech Sparks Debate on Core Regional Issues
A big thumbs up to Indian Foreign Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar for his bold and forthright address at the SCO Summit! His speech brought to the forefront crucial regional issues such as terrorism, security.
Is Pakistan Really Destabilising Bangladesh? Examining the Deep State Strategy
What remains clear is that the question of Pakistan’s influence in Bangladesh is one that requires careful scrutiny.
Bangladesh’s Fragile Equilibrium: A Nation at Risk of Losing Its Way
The people of Bangladesh deserve better.
A Fool’s Paradise: The Delusion of Reuniting Pakistan’s Two Wings and the Inescapable Legacy of 1971
Bangladesh has moved on from the horrors of 1971, building a new nation out of the ashes of war. But the people of Bangladesh will never forget the crimes committed against them, and they will never allow Pakistan to come near their sovereign nation again.
The Nuance Revolution of Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis of its New Ruling Class and the Role of Hizb ut-Tahrir, Jamaat-e-Islami, and Nobel Laureate Professor Yunus
There is the risk that Bangladesh could become a battleground for external powers, with the United States, China all seeking to influence the country’s future trajectory.
Pakistan: Are They Paying for the 1971 Genocide with This Economic Misery?
The economic misery plaguing Pakistan today has deep-rooted connections to the events of the 1971 genocide in Bangladesh.
Understanding Bangladesh’s Open Visa Policy for Pakistani Citizens: A Strategic Move or a Miscalculated Gamble?
The historical wounds inflicted by Pakistan remain unhealed, and any policy that appears to sideline these grievances will face resistance from the Bangladeshi populace.
The Distortion of History: Refuting the “Reset” Rhetoric by Bangladesh’s Interim Government
Bangladesh’s journey to nationhood is etched in the blood of millions. The struggle began long before 1971, rooted in a political, cultural, and linguistic movement that culminated in the Liberation War