Articles | South Asia Corner

Articles – South Asia Corner: This page contains Articles on Geopolitical topics and other relevant topics on South Asian Countries.

Political Turmoil in Bangladesh: Rising Extremism and Global Implications

Political Turmoil in Bangladesh: Rising Extremism and Global Implications

The international community has a critical role in addressing Bangladesh’s crisis. A UN-led investigation into the violence and atrocities could help ensure accountability and deter further abuses. At the same time, global powers must support efforts to strengthen Bangladesh’s democratic institutions, promote dialogue among political factions, and address the root causes of instability.

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Bangladesh: A Nation at a Crossroads – Reform or Ruin?

Bangladesh: A Nation at a Crossroads – Reform or Ruin?

Bangladesh’s current trajectory is a damning indictment of its leadership, both past and present. The promises of independence, development, and democracy have been systematically undermined by incompetence, corruption, and self-interest. The July fiasco, far from heralding a new era, has plunged the nation deeper into crisis.

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