The exponential rise of China and its deep state in the world for the last 2.5 decades has been an overarching suspicion for the free world. The world at large was perplexed yet unmindfully turned a kind of blind eye about the impending headache China would cause in the coming days. The slow expansion of dominance all over the world by Xiism ( President Xi Jinping’s ideology) was modelled around Dengism and Maoism around the globe to gain a foothold and has suddenly awakened the academia, intelligentsia, and the politicians from every nooks and cranny of the earth.
These new realisations were bound to happen. The sudden shift in the world equilibrium of power precipitated from the backdrop of Russian aggression and expansionist behaviour has exacerbated the situation.
China has slowly slipped into the economic and military giant of the world. Perhaps the second most powerful country on the globe. Many news outlets have envisaged that China is all most at par with the USA in terms of military and economic superiority.
At present, China is posing the biggest threat to global peace; its fierce dominance in the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean region by asserting its power. The impending ultimatum to Taiwan, border skirmishes with India, unsettling the Sri Lankan economy, and the assertion of soft power and economic colonialism mindset in the Horn of Africa and far afield have given an enormous quantum of a headache to the rest of the world of democracies and beyond.
When the world is still grappling with the devastating consequences of COVID and the giants of the world economies are facing tremendous economic hardship, ascending inflation, backlash of Ukraine invasion, combinational global warming and environmental issues world perhaps do without these underlying Chinese intentions.
What is baffling in all of these is staggering, too, when the world at large is conversing towards democracy. The peoples’ votes choose peoples’ power, accountable governance and leadership governance, and there is China, which does not pay any heed to all of these. A totalitarian regime, where the CPP ( Chinese Communist Party) ruled by one man for the last decade or so with an unpalatable intention of leading the country for life-long tenure is the most overwhelming factor.
The scenario in the South Asian hemisphere is further threatening. The Chinese BRI is swallowing the national pride under the debt traps of their sinister ploys. The crisscrossing road, sea, air and railway developments with their money where all roads lead towards the middle kingdom is proxy colonialism.
In the world scenario, the Chinese dominance in trade, technology, finance, and manufacturing will pose an existential threat to many Western powers sooner or later, if not already.
In the light of these Chinese in hand, approaching intention of inflicting damage, it is time that the world wakes up face, counter, manage, steer clear and recalibrate its perspectives. The present world owes it to the future generations of the free world to live in peace, harmony, democracy and freedom of speech.