Articles | South Asia Corner
Articles – South Asia Corner: This page contains Articles on Geopolitical topics and other relevant topics on South Asian Countries.
The Chinese One-Child Policy: Impacts on Demography, Population Imbalance, and Future Challenges
As China faces the burden of an ageing society, it will be crucial for the government to implement strategies to address the worker shortage, promote technological innovation, and ensure the well-being of the elderly Population
Pakistan’s IMF Bailout and the Legacy of Military Expenses. Will Pakistan be able to sustain the IMF bailout?
Pakistan’s IMF Bailout and the Legacy of Military Expenses. Will Pakistan be able to sustain the IMF bailout?
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Visit to the United States: A Success Story
The world is confident that the relationship between India and the United States will continue to grow and strengthen. The visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the United States was a significant step in that direction.
The Chinese Appalling Treatment of the Uyghur Muslims
Addressing the Uyghur crisis necessitates a multifaceted approach that includes efforts to protect human rights, support dialogue, and promote peaceful resolution.
Pakistan’s Path to Another Military Regime
The country’s democratic institutions, civil society, and international stakeholders all have a role to play in ensuring a stable and democratic Pakistan.
PAKISTAN IS FACING A CATASTROPHIC CONSEQUENCE OF DECEIT AND WRONGDOING : For Pakistan, the road ahead is fraught with challenges, but confronting these is a prerequisite for sustainable progress and international recognition.
Bangladesh – India Transit : A gateway of prosperity
The groundbreaking developments regarding the latest road transit treaty between Bangladesh and India. This treaty is not just a document of...
Taliban’s Oppression of Women in Afghanistan: A Detrimental Impact on Afghan Civilisation
he Taliban’s oppression of women in Afghanistan represents a grave violation of human rights and a significant setback for Afghan civilization. By denying women access to education, employment, healthcare, and fundamental freedoms, the Taliban perpetuates inequality, poverty, and social stagnation.
Unveiling the Complexities of South Asia: A Geopolitical Analysis
Introduction: The South Asian region is a fascinating and diverse area that encompasses numerous countries, each with its own rich history,...